quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

Sherlock Holmes: A review of the entire series

I've read other books of the character Sherlock Holmes.  And I say, Watson is not small and Sherlock Holmes is not as peaceful as it seems, as he does not wear a hat hunter. The real Sherlock Holmes is a genius, addicted and an excellent fencer.  Most critics condemned the view used in the recent movie. Looks like they have never read any original work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

They say that Sherlock Holmes is always accompanied by his little partner, Watson, where he is just an assistant. Sherlock Holmes only uses logic to solve crimes that have never had supernatural influences.  Oops, it seems that some critics of several famous magazines still need a deep knowledge of something before talking about.

The first book of Sherlock Holmes is a novel titled "A Study in Scarlet," where there is several trivia about the main character. These include the fact that he was an expert in fencing and is addicted to marijuana, not to mention the fact that Dr. Watson be taller than your contractor and future friend. And also forgot that one of his most challenging cases, "The Hound of Baskerville", has a strong influence of the supernatural. The media itself was caught in an illusion that made them ignorant of the true bond that was eventually established between Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

In "The Speckled Band," Conan Doyle tells a more casual case of SH had to deal with a seemingly inexplicable mystery that could be resolved only after a deep analysis of the setting and some research related to the information given by the contractor. At various times, the friendship between Holmes and Watson becomes evident, as when Holmes asks Watson to accompany you really want, because it can be dangerous.

The conclusion is that both the book, as the novels, are misunderstood by most people and the media. Remember that no one should doubt the Englishman who made the film (former husband of Madonna). He is English, and then it must be one of those who know most about a character that is a symbol of his own county.  

Pay close attention to everything you read. Much of the media believes he can say things that do not understand anything and did not even search for to know if they are passing the correct information.

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